Imperial Surgery appointments | 01395 224555 |
Imperial Surgery enquiries | 01395 280362 |
NHS 111 Service | 111 |
Exmouth Hospital | 01395 279684 |
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital | 01392 411611 |
Social Services Exmouth | 0845 1551007 |
Social Services Exeter | 0845 1551007 |
Police Non-Emergency | 101 |
Citizens Advice Exmouth | 01395 264645 |
Samaritans | 01392 411711 |
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) (CCG) | 0300 123 1672 |
Emergency Services (Ambulance, Police, Fire) | 999 |
NHS England Complaint services | 0300 311 2233 |