How to Support Your Surgery
We value our patients. We know that most patients value us too, especially when they need us regularly. You know we can deal with most of your health problems, keep you out of hospital, and have your best interests at heart. The problem is with the mismanagement of the NHS.
Your GP is an expert in general medical practice – trained over 10 years to deal with complex problems, spot serious symptoms, and decide when you need specialist help at the hospital.
But did you know that your practice receives just £107.57 per year for each patient, whatever their health needs. That’s less than the cost of an annual TV licence.
It’s just 30p a day for every patient registered with us – less than the cost of an apple.
We believe general practice deserves a bigger slice of NHS funding so we can train and hire more GPs, deliver the services you require and make it easier for you and your loved ones to get appointments to see your GP and practice team.
GPs want the same things that you do. We believe nobody should struggle to see their family doctor.
General Practice should be as it once was – a familiar family doctor, offering continuity of care in a surgery full of friendly familiar faces within a safe building where you knew you would get the care you needed.
We want the Government to do the right thing for general practice and patients. We need a new contract that is fit for purpose, one that provides the investment and workforce needed to reset general practice and provide patients with family doctors.
How can you support your family doctor?
1. Talk to any election candidate who you come across
When candidates from the political parties come knocking on your door, ask them what they will do to save general practice. What will they do so you can see a GP in a modern local surgery?
2. Join our Patient participation group (PPG)
You could join our PPG to support the practice and influence the way we deliver local services.
Ask at reception for further information about the existing group or details.
3. Support the Practice by having your seasonal vaccinations with us.